Saturday, August 24, 2013


Wow...there is so much going on here it's hard to determine where to look first. My eyes go to the "loudest" part of the photo first. For me, the "loudest" is the sun bursting through the clouds. Then, as I continue to scan the whole photo, I notice the quiet subtleties...the light orbs, the rainbow of colors held in the sun's rays, the dark clouds, the blue sky, the sun's reflection on the water, the grasses in the forefront, the trees framing the photo and the feelings it all brings into being. It speaks of all that is needed to express the wholeness of oneness. 
Make it a great one!


  1. Simply and magically are right Nancy, it's finding the subtleties in life that mean just as much as the whole picture, because they are what create the whole picture.

  2. there's lots more to Jolean than meets the eye...
