Friday, August 16, 2013

During one of my morning meditations, I decided to ask the lake a question, "What do you hold within your depths?"
Within my depths are the answers you seek. Thrashing at the surface serves no purpose. Allow yourself to find the peace needed at the surface to gain the confidence needed to search my exploration of my inner places. Only when you dive holding the space of confidence and learning will your journey serve you. Only when you give up the fight and allow yourself to explore my depths with openness does your learning begin. Calm yourself and when you feel almost ready allow yourself to sink into the answers that you seek. Be aware of all that is held in my depths. The answers you seek are everywhere - you must be open to receive them when they appear. You can find serenity both at my surface and in my depths. Experience your dive with open mindedness...for it's when you are ready to receive that the answers appear.
(This writing is held deep within my heart.)
Make it a great one!

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