Sunday, September 22, 2013

Remember the joke about how many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: One, but the light bulb has to want to change. Does your light bulb need changing? What is stopping you? Change happens in two design or default. Is it time for you to design the life you were born to live and perhaps change your light bulb?
Make it a great one!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Where you focus your attention becomes your intention!" (Not sure who said this first.)  Where is your attention focused and is it your intention? If not...refocus.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Folk Art Fish
Under two coats of paint behind this fish are the words, "keep it simple". I wanted to remind myself to "keep it simple" so I decided to paint the words on the kitchen wall...a visual reminder. I chose the font, made a stencil and painted the words on the wall. Simple...right. Well, I wasn't done yet. I kept looking and thinking that it looked too plain, too simple. So over the course of three days, I created those words using twelve different fonts, made the stencils and painted each one in different colors. Three days!!!!!!!!!!!! Once completed, I stepped back and critiqued my beautiful words..."keep it simple". I didn't like it...there was so much going on the original idea and message got lost in the busyness of it all. The next day I repainted the wall, hung the fish as a visual reminder to "keep it simple". The lesson...when you want to keep something simple..."keep it simple!"
Make it a great one!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Severe thunder and lightning storms coming through the area...flash flood warnings. Two inches of rain already and another two inches expected. Shutting down the computer for the evening. Be back tomorrow. Make it a great one!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life Expressing
Life expresses in many ways. Some of us are captivated by beauty and for others it may be a fragrance or a brilliant color. No matter where and when you look, you see life expressing. It's all part of our connection with each other, nature and Mother Earth. What calls to you? What is it that you see expressing? Take the time to notice what appeals to you and why.
Make it a great one!  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The next five days are about "being"....filling my spirit with the heartfelt joy and comfort of being with family and friends. Will post again on Tuesday. Make it a great one!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Getting grounded
Noticing roots of trees is very grounding for me. Whenever I'm feeling scattered, I place my bare feet firmly flat on the ground (or floor), close my eyes and envision roots growing from the bottom of my feet deep into Mother Earth. It gets me focused, centered and very present. The mind clutter leaves and I feel very stable and supported in my body. In this photo, I noticed the number of roots and thought about the strength and nourishment these roots give to the exposed standing tree. In a number of ways, that relates to our grounding and how it effects our bodies. A scattered mind serves no purpose...centered and grounded enables you stand in your strength.
Make it a great one!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Soft Awakening
The softness of this morning's awakening invites you to melt into it and breathe in it's stillness, it's peace and it's hope. Today is a new beginning and it's up to you to create a day that brings the "all" that you want to experience. Let go of yesterday and let go of the things to come. this present moment, is where all life is and always will be.
Make it a great one!