Friday, October 11, 2013

Celebrate this day!
It's important to be in the moment. Choose to be involved with all that surrounds you. I could have easily sat where I was comfortable to watch this sunset. Instead, I chose to be a part of it by getting up, grabbing my camera and running to the beach to not only capture the magnificence of this moment...I wanted to feel part of it. As the sun's setting rays continued to intensify, I could feel the excitement building within me. I actually hooted and "woohooed" a few times because I couldn't contain myself during this happening. It was awesome!!!! Hooting was only one expression of my emotions...I also danced around. I was so "into" this sunset and I let go of any inhibitions and expressed as I felt. It was freeing and a great celebration of what was happening in my life at this moment. Celebrate only as you is very freeing and fills your spirit.
Make it a great one!

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