Thursday, October 31, 2013

Yesterday's Rainbow
More times than we notice, Mother Nature provides us with signs. These signs are for our own interpretation. On this particular day, this rainbow gave me a feeling of illumination. The dark (unknown) is temporary and the transformation into the light is through the rainbow. As I continued to gaze and the sun continued to lighten the dark sky and the rainbow faded, I felt lifted in knowing that life is all about changes, moods and believing. In that moment, I chose to be enlightened by the sign of the rainbow.
Make it a great one!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Another change is on the way!
This is a subtle indication of change. We all know it's coming, yet, some of us choose to sit and watch it come and others start preparing before it gets here. Which are you? I like to start getting ready before the winter season (change) gets here. I find comfort and peace in being prepared. I know others that wait until winter (the change) is upon us before doing any preparation at all. There is no right or wrong to this...only differences. Differences in how we approach matters is what makes us so unique. I choose to embrace the diversity of our humanness and celebrate all. What about you?
Make it a great one!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Celebrate this day!
It's important to be in the moment. Choose to be involved with all that surrounds you. I could have easily sat where I was comfortable to watch this sunset. Instead, I chose to be a part of it by getting up, grabbing my camera and running to the beach to not only capture the magnificence of this moment...I wanted to feel part of it. As the sun's setting rays continued to intensify, I could feel the excitement building within me. I actually hooted and "woohooed" a few times because I couldn't contain myself during this happening. It was awesome!!!! Hooting was only one expression of my emotions...I also danced around. I was so "into" this sunset and I let go of any inhibitions and expressed as I felt. It was freeing and a great celebration of what was happening in my life at this moment. Celebrate only as you is very freeing and fills your spirit.
Make it a great one!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Held within each season is change. As the bright summer flowers quietly fade and the autumn leaves burst into colors of yellow, orange and red...a calmness settles in. There is a peaceful calling that invites us to go within ourselves and gently awaken to introspection. Like the change of the seasons, we, too, must be open to change.  For without change, our lives become mundane. "Some people live 90 years...others live one year 90 times." Life is lived by choice...what are some of the choices you willingly make to live a life of joy, fulfillment and purpose?
Make it a great one?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Living on a lake, something is always "calling" me. Yesterday it was the clouds. Wow!!! A silent expression of movement and color. I could "feel" the dance of the clouds in their quiet undulating colorful gray ribbons. It was truly mesmerizing! It's so important to connect with one's surroundings... even if just for a moment. For within that moment, when we open our hearts and breathe in what is, is when we are most connected and vulnerable. We stand exposed while embracing all that surrounds us fully knowing the peace that can be found in this one sacred moment.
Make it a great one! 

Friday, October 4, 2013's been awhile...I'm back. Sometimes in the course of our lives we have to put aside the very things that we enjoy. "Doing" was very present in my life the past few weeks and required my focus. Now it's time for "being" and "doing". That wonderful balance in life called harmony. Harmony is where I find my peace, my creative self, my heart self while still balancing accomplishment (doing). At the end of the day, it's harmony that makes me comfortable and helps me to realize without harmony you are either sliding up or down in life. Make it a great one!