The Walk From Hell!
I'm calling "it" the walk from hell! While I've been breathing in clean, crisp refreshing dogs have apparently been breathing in a stimulant. Jazz (black) came out the door like a race horse out of a starting gate. Daizee (white) didn't have the full effect...yet. Then, Jazz spots Jerry C. and she began jumping around like a fish on a line. Daizee pulled exactly like a sled dog...what more could I ask for? You see, they knew Jerry had bones for them. While they were totally out of control, he gave them the bones. (Thankfully all of his fingers were still intact when the gift was received.) Jazzmin was at the "high" of "this" and pulling. Daizee, on the other hand, wasn't and was putting on the brakes. Jazzmin was pulling me, I was pulling Daizee, who sat down to express what little interest she had in walking. I leaned over,"Daizee, honey" (I'm now talking through gritted teeth trying to "be" in the patience of these words), "we are going the full distance". She sat there...then whatever "it" was hit her and she was off. Now we are at a good pace for our walk and joy was starting to kick in. Then, out of nowhere...they stop, sniff, walk, semi-run, stop, sniff, walk, semi-run. I felt like I was being driven by someone who was learning how to use the clutch. Our pace turned into jerks, tugs, run...ack! Jazz starts lifting her leg and marking everything and eating anything she can get her teeth on. Twice I had to stop and take cardboard out of her mouth. Usually, they settle in, but not this time. When we turned around it was more of the same. It all came to a head when they had me stretched out in opposite directions. I stopped in my tracks and pulled them in...that's when it happened. A grrrr...from me! (I felt like one of the guys at the gym when lifting a weight that really challenges them and they use the "sound" as strength.) You see, up to this point I was the only one not having a good time. The strength I needed came from that primal voice...a warning to them and patience to me. It did get their attention. After the blah,blah,blah talk, I made the leads shorter and we walked quietly, comfortably and joyfully down the center of the road.
It's interesting that all of this stopped when I decided to take control. was always up to me to when and how I did it. What are you letting control you? Is it time for you to make a decision?
Make it a great one!